Kshitij.com: Bloomberg Ranking - Kshitij.com
Kshitij Consultancy Services
Kshitij.com: Bloomberg Ranking
We have been ranked in the top 4 of the Bloomberg Dollar-Rupee forecasts for the past 5 running quarters and are the only company to do so. Based on our rankings on Bloomberg we can say with certainty that we have been the most consistant firm in making Dollar Rupee forecasts. We have also been ranked number 2 or higher in four out of the 5 running quarters and are the only firm to do so. Please find below few screenshots.

Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19
1. Emirates NBD 1. Kshitij.com 1. PNC Financial 1. PNC Financial 1. Morgan Stanley
2. Kshitij.com 2. PNC Financial 2. Kshitij.com 2. Kshitij.com 2. Skandinaviska Enskil
3. Bank Julius Bacr 3. Cinkciarz.pl 3. JP Morgan Chase 3. Morgan Stanley 3. PNC Financial
4. BNP Paribas 4. JP Morgan Chase 4. Morgan Stanley 4. Skandinaviska Enskil 4. Kshitij.com
5. ING Financial 5. Emirates NBD 5. Cinkciarz.pl 5. Westpac Banking 5. NAB/BNZ
To know details of all our forecasts please click here.
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